
How can a Support Coordinator help?

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Whether you are beginning or continuing your NDIS plan, it can be daunting and you might feel like you don’t know where to begin. If you have received support coordination in your package but are unsure what a support coordinator does, then you have landed on the right blog post.

A Support Coordinator will help to support you in understanding and implementing your funded supports. In order to achieve your goals they will look to community, mainstream and other services. 

A key focus for them will be to keep you involved and help you build your skills and how to connect with providers of services. Skills include

  • Negotiation
  • Understanding costs and impact to your budget
  • Financial literacy 
  • Managing service agreements

While the above seems complex by working with your support coordinators you can build confidence in implementing your plan. Finding the right team around you won’t feel like hard work, and a support coordinator should adopt a role that is supportive during your NDIS plan. 

Support Coordinators should have the skills to assist you with plan review preparation. Your Support Coordination will be funded in an hourly capacity when translated from your budget. Support Coordination can now be funded from your Core Budget if you dont have it listed in your plan. Have a discussion with potential Support Coordinators on what that looks like in practise whether you want to communicate on a weekly, monthly or if possible more frequent basis.

If you want a recommendation or suggestion of Support Coordinators you can reach out to, you can get in touch today. We have worked with a range of support coordinators and can point you in the right direction.

You can also search for Support Coordinators within your My Place Portal.

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