
What’s the difference a HCP and a CHSP?

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When receiving funding from the government to help you remain at home as you age, there are two different types of packages available:

Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP):

This is an entry level Home Care Package supplied by the government that provides low level support to those who may need it temporarily or sporadically. 

There is not much flexibility in this package, however it is useful for those who are currently waiting for a Home Care Package to be allocated to them. 

Home Care Package:

A Home Care Package (abbreviated to HCP) is the next level for ageing individuals who require support at home. This package is much more trailer to your specific individual needs. It also contains a greater amount of funding, and has greater flexibility in terms of services and supports. 

There are 4 different types of Home Care Packages, depending on your level of need. You can learn more about the different types of Home Care Packages here. 

Learn more about applying for a HCP through ACAT. 

Is there an overlap between HCP & CHSP? 

Typically, no. Once you get a HCP , your CHSP services will cease. However, you may apply for CHSP services to fill a gap where a HCP does not cover. This can be done should your health decline or there in an emergency situation. 
If you want to know more about applying for a CHSP or HCP, contact My Aged Care.

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